An observation of the human condition one thought at a time...
Muslim riots a US psyop aimed at getting EU support for war
Published on February 7, 2006 By Slanderer In Politics
I don't know where this rush-ski gets his info from, but he really makes bold prediction on when the Iran war will begin.


I hope he is wrong, that this all one big misunderstanding but something in the back of my mind tells me otherwise. I distinctly remember Mr. Rumsfeld (the R word again?) making light of new "psyops" and their uses. Well Mr. Moskvy, all I can say is we have about 6 weeks to prove you wrong. But - if you are right then Mr. R's comments were not only duplicitous, they are criminal. The intent on inciting anger and destablizing the greater M.E. is not something the one can justify in the name of "security". If he is right that Mr R has definitely involved himself in a crime of gargantuan measure.

6 weeks

March 28th

Remember it.

on Feb 07, 2006
It's the same paranoia you get from Islamic fundamentalists who are claiming that the Jews are behind this and every other instance that makes them look bad. In reality, no one can force these morons to go out and do what they are doing over a cartoon.
on Feb 08, 2006
I would agree with you except right now the internet is a buzz with activity speculating when an attack will occur. This is one of those instances where people can neither prove nor disprove a statement.

Best bet is to sit and watch things unfold as usual.

on Feb 08, 2006
I think he pulled the date from the Iraq War.  It cannot start later or they are sweltering in their skivies.  I would not put any stock into it.  There is a lot of buzz, but there is no reason to go into Iran.  Bomb them, sure, but we can do that at any time.