An observation of the human condition one thought at a time...
Jumping the gun 101
Published on February 5, 2006 By Slanderer In Current Events
Well as everyone has found out Link our persian friends have gotten themselves into a bit of a pickle.

What I found odd is that within hours of seeing this statement Mr. Rumsfeld fires off his own piece of rhetoric Link that is definitely geared at demagougery.

So before the 'action now' articles which are sure to pop up occur, I want people to educate themselves on both the issues of energy independance, sovereignty, and the blurry line of nuclear technology which is being used for political fear mongering.

I recommend before spitting out your 2 cents that we as 'concerned citizens' take the time and recognise where this information is coming from and takes steps to look at sincere reports on the viability of knee-jerk air raids.

Enclosed is a 104pg pdf primer that is the first good attempt I've seen at discussing feasibility.


I firmly believe the best response is the well thought out one and that won't happen taking Rummy at face value.

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