An observation of the human condition one thought at a time...
Slanderer's Articles In Current Events
July 26, 2006 by Slanderer
No, this isn't a Queen retro tour, but another nail in the coffin of media punit Ann Coulter. With Rush-link verbosity she sticks her mouth where others fear to go! I thought this post would be of interest and a personal up-yours to all the trolls of JU. Link 'Bout damn time Annie, don't let the door hit you on the way out, you skank. Have a lovely day.
February 5, 2006 by Slanderer
Well as everyone has found out Link our persian friends have gotten themselves into a bit of a pickle. What I found odd is that within hours of seeing this statement Mr. Rumsfeld fires off his own piece of rhetoric Link that is definitely geared at demagougery. So before the 'action now' articles which are sure to pop up occur, I want people to educate themselves on both the issues of energy independance, sovereignty, and the blurry line of nuclear technology which is being used fo...
February 5, 2006 by Slanderer
I was able to read an article this weekend that brought up the idea of martial law. It made some fairly solid points of bringing in the military for domestic use and then using it as an umbrella for disaster relief. Take a gander. Link Ask yourself if the odds of this happening have suddenly increased from 'never' to 'possible'.
January 24, 2006 by Slanderer
I was leafin' through the news one fine day when one of the more austute writers on the 'Hill brought this to my attention. Link "There is hereby created and established a permanent police force, to be known as the United States Secret Service Uniformed Division." This new federal police force is "subject to the supervision of the Secretary of Homeland Security." The new police are empowered to "make arrests without warrant for any offense against the United States committed in the...